Last week Heartland students participated in Double PUP (People Uplifting People) Dare Week in conjunction with Edmond Santa Fe High School's philanthropic Double Wolf Dare Week (DWDW) where the students band together and raise money for a specific charity & a common thread charity. The common thread charity is a group that all the schools in Edmond raise money to support. Middle schools in town participate in a very scaled-down version to support those efforts and that money goes directly to the common thread. Heartland's Double PUP Dare Week included student vs. staff all star games for each grade level, a donut day, and a dare assembly to help raise money to support the cause! Through these events, Heartland students raised $6,112 to donate the common thread, No Boundaries International!
about 15 hours ago, janet miller
Students celebrating by cheering, jumping, and high fiving on the learning stairs
Students seated on stairs with "6112" displayed on banners above them
Today Heartland hosted its annual Black History Month assembly with the theme We Can. Dynamic keynote speaker Kuinten Rucker challenged students to watch their thoughts, and in so doing, take hold of their destiny. Heartland Orchestra, Jazz Band, Show Choir and RZE Step Team performed, and there were numerous individual student performances from original poetry readings to dance to music. 5th graders from nearby elementary schools were also in attendance. Heartland recognizes and celebrates the many notable contributions of Black Americans that continue to shape our world today!
10 days ago, janet miller
Heartland's RZE Step Team standing in formation
Keynote speaker Kuinten Rucker speaks to students
Student striking a pose during a dance performance
Student singing with her family accompanying her on vocals, piano and drums
Heartland Jazz Band performing
Heartland Show Choir performing
Gym decorated for Black History Month assembly
Student reading an original poem
Student playing the saxophone
Because of continued isolated icy roads in parts of our district as well as slick and dangerous parking lots and sidewalks, Edmond Public Schools will move to remote learning for all schools for Thursday, February 13th. Students should refer to information sent by their school site for assignments that will need to be completed for attendance to be counted. Based on the current forecasts, we plan to be back to in-person school on Friday.
19 days ago, Edmond Public Schools
Thursday Feb 13 remote learning day
Because of the predicted freezing rain creating poor road conditions overnight, Edmond Public Schools will move to remote learning for all schools for Wednesday, February 12th. Students should refer to information sent by their school site for assignments that will need to be completed for attendance to be counted. Updated to reflect correct date.
20 days ago, Edmond Public Schools
Congratulations to 6th grade geography teacher Mrs. Alex Williams, Heartland's 2025 Rookie Teacher of the Year!
29 days ago, janet miller
Mrs. Williams and Heartland principals holding a banner that says Rookie Teacher of the Year
Mrs. Williams with her parents
Mrs. Williams with her husband
Mrs. Williams holding two vases of flowers
Because of an increasing number of student and staff absences this week, we have made the difficult decision to close school for all Edmond Public Schools for tomorrow, Friday, January 31st. Extracurricular activities will continue as scheduled.   This decision was made in advance to give our families and staff members time to prepare. We will let you know as soon as possible how this instructional time will be made up.   We look forward to seeing your students back in class on Monday morning.
about 1 month ago, Edmond Public Schools
all schools closed January 31
6th Grade STEAM Art students explored mechanical energy (the sum of potential energy and kinetic energy). Students were challenged to design a slingshot car made from poster board, tape and popsicle sticks. Students also discussed how car engineers design automobiles to have built in crumple zones to protect drivers from head-on accidents (Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion). Other energy-absorbing features designed to protect passengers are airbags, front and rear crash areas, and padded dashes.
about 1 month ago, janet miller
Students building slingshot cars
slingshot car made of popsicle sticks, paper and tape with green wheels
slingshot car made of popsicle sticks, paper and tape with red and green wheels
slingshot car made of popsicle sticks, paper and tape with colored wheels
slingshot car made of popsicle sticks, paper and tape with red wheels
Students lining a hallway to watch a slingshot car race
slingshot car made of popsicle sticks, paper and tape with yellow and blue wheels
students preparing to release their slingshot cars
students preparing to release their slingshot cars
Students lining a hallway to watch a slingshot car race
Because of continued snowfall and roads freezing overnight, all Edmond Public Schools will move to remote learning for Friday, January 10th. Students should refer to information sent by their school site for assignments that will need to be completed for attendance to be counted.
about 2 months ago, Arin Smith
Friday January 10, 2025 Remote Learning Day
Because of today’s snowfall, all EPS evening activities for Thursday, January 9th are canceled. This includes all rehearsals, athletic events and practices.
about 2 months ago, Arin Smith
Thursday January 9 All evening activities are canceled
Mr. Wilmes's STEAM Art students considered challenging the rule of thought and the importance of topographic images for documenting the environmental changes in our world such as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and the Polar Ice Caps. Students explored a wide variety of geographical locations using maps and images such as aerial satellite, weather, precipitation, humidity, temperature, multispectral, and thermal. Their images were simplified and colors were altered to create large mixed-media abstractions.
about 2 months ago, janet miller
Abstract topical map with lots of red
Abstract topical map with black outlines
Abstract topical map with lots of green and blue
Student in the process of painting abstract topical map with lots of orange
Abstract topographical map using blue, green and yellow
Mr. Wilmes's STEAM Art students explored how perpendicular force can affect centripetal force. While learning how to create pottery on the pottery wheel, students considered how perpendicular force, compression, friction, stabilization and speed were used to create functional pottery such as cylinders, bowls, and tea pots.
about 2 months ago, janet miller
Close up of pottery wheel and students using thumbs to press down and create a plate
close up of pottery wheel and student using fingers to shape the pot
close up of a pottery wheel with a student using a tool to shape the  pot
Three ceramic teapots
four ceramic plates: two solid color and two multi-color
three pots with wide mouths, one red, one green and one black and white
students using pottery wheels
students using pottery wheels
students using pottery wheels
Four solid colored short ceramic pots
Congratulations to Cheryl Thatcher, Heartland's 2025 Support Employee of the Year! Mrs. Thatcher serves as principal's secretary at Heartland and is an integral part of the Heartland family!
3 months ago, janet miller
Heartland Principals with Cheryl Thatcher
Cheryl Thatcher laughing with her hands covering her mouth
Cheryl Thatcher with a bouquet of flowers in front of a sign reading Support Employee of the Year
Cheryl Thatcher with her husband, two sons and daughter
Cheryl Thatcher with her foot on the knee of Officer Brooks, who is on one knee with her arms raised
This morning, local author (and EPS teacher!) R. Loomis visited Heartland Middle School and spoke to young writers in the NaNoWriMo Hawk Hangout where students are working toward writing an entire novel in a month.  Mrs. Loomis's book Touch of Kindness came out this past summer. Our students absolutely loved hearing about her journey to becoming a published author and being able to ask their own questions about the writing process and how it works to get a book published. We are so thankful that she took the time to visit and share her knowledge and experience with our students!
3 months ago, janet miller
Author R. Loomis seated with a group of students
Author R. Loomis speaking to students
Author R. Loomis speaking to students
Author R. Loomis speaking to students
Heartland Middle School recently honored veterans in the community and those connected to Heartland Middle School students and staff in its annual Veterans Day Assembly. The assembly featured performances by the Heartland Choir, Band and Orchestra and students learned about the history and purpose of each military branch. We are so thankful for the sacrifices of our military veterans.
3 months ago, janet miller
Student speaking in the center of the gym, where students and veterans are assembled
Due to the threat of severe weather, all Edmond Public Schools will move to remote learning for Monday, November 18. Students should refer to information sent by their school site for assignments that will need to be completed for attendance to be counted.
4 months ago, Arin Smith
remote learning day monday november 18
All schools will be CLOSED today, Monday, November 4. All activities are cancelled. Please stay weather aware.
4 months ago, Arin Smith
all schools closed monday november 4
Heartland Media Center once again hosted their annual pumpkin decorating contest. We had so many amazing entries and it was a close race to determine which pumpkin would be crowned champion in each prize category. This year's winners were 7th grader Ayla C. for Most Creative and Artistic for her pumpkin depiction of Appa and Katara from Avatar the Last Airbender. Most Fun pumpkin went to 6th grader Aspen W. for her pumpkin inspired by A Silent Voice. Cutest pumpkin went to 7th grader Arlee B. for her Pete the Cat pumpkin. Most Accurate pumpkin went to 6th grader Man P. for his Spider-man pumpkin. Best Paper Pumpkin went to 6th grader Anna B. for her Lorax pumpkin. And the grand prize winner was 7th grader Ayla C. for her Appa and Katara pumpkin! The winner of the teacher division went to Mr. LeBlanc for his Beholder pumpkin. Congratulations to our winners!
4 months ago, janet miller
Students standing with prize-winning decorated pumpkins
Decorated pumpkins
Mr. Wilmes's STEAM Art students considered the importance of giving back to nature and architectural engineering as they design and create bird-Châteaux out of clay. Students considered load bearing walls, balance & stabilization, post and lintel, archways, and flying buttresses. Châteaux must hang from a tree or have curb appeal that would make any home improvement show envious.
4 months ago, janet miller
Students sculpting ceramic birdhouses
Student using a tool to sculpt a ceramic birdhouse
Student sculpting cylindrical birdhouse out of clay
Student sculpting birdhouse out of clay
Ceramic pumpkin birdhouse
Watermelon-shaped ceramic birdhouse
Ceramic birdhouse with bricks and chimney
Ceramic birdhouse shaped like a pumpkin
Yellow ceramic birdhouse shaped like beehive, with bee
It’s Scholastic Book Fair time! From Monday Nov. 4 to Friday Nov. 8, come experience the excitement all over again with your kids. Remember, what starts at the Book Fair stays with you forever. Every purchase benefits the Heartland Media Center. Thank you for your support!
4 months ago, janet miller
Text: Scholastic Book Fair Be true to your shelf. Image: Smiling teen boy holding a stack of books
7th grade artists in Mr. Wilmes's STEAM Art classes considered the importance of Gyotaku (the Japanese printmaking technique) and its role in society. Gyotaku is the traditional Japanese method of printing fish, a practice which dates back to the mid-1800s. This form of nature printing was used by fishermen to record their catches, but has also become an art form of its own. After their prints dried, students embellished their prints with colored pencils and watercolor paint.
5 months ago, janet miller
Blue fish print on white paper
Student using orange colored pencil to fill in a black fish print on white paper
Students painting fish and using them to make prints on white paper
Students painting fish and using them to make prints on white paper
Black fish print on white paper, colored with colored pencils
Students painting fish and using them to make prints on white paper
blue fish print, black fish print and red star shape on white paper
Black fish print on red paper